If you or someone you care for are having denture issues or just simply want to have the dentures checked, we are here for you. A licensed denturist can visit you right in the comfort of your own home or at the care facility you are at. A consultation can be done to identify any trouble with your dentures and offer possible solutions.
The consultation will include:
- Discussion with patient and/or caregiver regarding denture issues and concerns
- Gathering and reviewing relevant medical and dental history
- Performing an oral examination which includes evaluating the current dentures, natural teeth and tissues of the mouth.
- Communication of denture related issues to patient and/or caregiver
- Communication of possible treatment options to patient and/or caregiver
Knowing what denture related issues you have and what the available treatment options are, along with the associated costs, are paramount in order to make an informed decision for what is best for you. It is also important to know that often treatment can begin at the consultation appointment should you choose to go ahead with it.
To set up an appointment, fill out the form on the page or call us!